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KCBL Open Tournament

Event from KCBL for your interest


Dates: Oct 31 (Sat) ~ Nov 1 (Sun)

Venue: Simsan Culture Center
 서울시 서초구 사평대로 55
 SaPyungDaeRo 55, Seocho-Gu, Seoul

Tel: 02-2155-8664~8


 Oct 31 (Sat) Swiss Qualifying game, 8 Rounds, 8 Boards/Round
 Nov 1 (Sun) Semi Final, 3 Round Robin (4 Teams), 10 Boards/Round
   Final, 1 Round, 16 Boards/Round

   Pair game (MP) for those who missed the Qualifying or any participants
   1st Session  10:00 - 13:30, Howell Movement
                 Lunch time    13:30 - 14:30
                 2nd Session  14:30 - 18:00, Mirchel Movement


 Team game 1st W2,000,000 + Trophies
   2nd W600,000
   3rd W400,000
   4th W200,000

 Pair, MP Game   1st W200,000
   2nd W150,000
   3rd W70,000
   4th W50,000

Entry fee (Per Person)
 Team Game  W50,000 (KCBL Members), W60,000 (Non Members)
 Pair Game  W30,000 (KCBL Members), W35,000 (Non Members)
 Students pay 50% of the above entry fee.

Special Notes:

1.  The above information is tentative assuming Simsan Culture Center will be available during the proposed dates.

2. The Venue, Simsan Culture Cetner, is NOT a hotel; no loding facility on site.
Nearby hotel is The Palace Hotel, but we have no price information as of now.
The best bet is any foreign partipants look for the best price at various hotel sites.

There are hundreds of hotels within easy reach to the Venue; taxi fare
less than W10,000.

When things are finalized, we will further advise.

The Palace Hotel:  02-532-5000
                   email -seoul.palace@thepalacehotel.co.kr
          Address   -  SaPyungDaeRo 160, SeoCho-Gu, Seoul


Contact (KCBL) :

Yoonkyung Kim sansuguk157@gmail.com +82-10-6320-0802

Event from KCBL for your interest


Dates: Oct 31 (Sat) ~ Nov 1 (Sun)

Venue: Simsan Culture Center
 서울시 서초구 사평대로 55
 SaPyungDaeRo 55, Seocho-Gu, Seoul

Tel: 02-2155-8664~8


 Oct 31 (Sat) Swiss Qualifying game, 8 Rounds, 8 Boards/Round
 Nov 1 (Sun) Semi Final, 3 Round Robin (4 Teams), 10 Boards/Round
   Final, 1 Round, 16 Boards/Round

   Pair game (MP) for those who missed the Qualifying or any participants
   1st Session  10:00 - 13:30, Howell Movement
                 Lunch time    13:30 - 14:30
                 2nd Session  14:30 - 18:00, Mirchel Movement


 Team game 1st W2,000,000 + Trophies
   2nd W600,000
   3rd W400,000
   4th W200,000

 Pair, MP Game   1st W200,000
   2nd W150,000
   3rd W70,000
   4th W50,000

Entry fee (Per Person)
 Team Game  W50,000 (KCBL Members), W60,000 (Non Members)
 Pair Game  W30,000 (KCBL Members), W35,000 (Non Members)
 Students pay 50% of the above entry fee.

Special Notes:

1.  The above information is tentative assuming Simsan Culture Center will be available during the proposed dates.

2. The Venue, Simsan Culture Cetner, is NOT a hotel; no loding facility on site.
Nearby hotel is The Palace Hotel, but we have no price information as of now.
The best bet is any foreign partipants look for the best price at various hotel sites.

There are hundreds of hotels within easy reach to the Venue; taxi fare
less than W10,000.

When things are finalized, we will further advise.

The Palace Hotel:  02-532-5000
                   email -seoul.palace@thepalacehotel.co.kr
          Address   -  SaPyungDaeRo 160, SeoCho-Gu, Seoul


Contact (KCBL) :

Yoonkyung Kim sansuguk157@gmail.com +82-10-6320-0802

Hong Kong Open Pairs 2015

Please note that there are 14 pairs for this event.

There will be an 1-day event (Aug 8) for the final and no game on Aug 15.

The start time will be at 14:30.

Please note that there are 14 pairs for this event.

There will be an 1-day event (Aug 8) for the final and no game on Aug 15.

The start time will be at 14:30.

Youth Team Training #8
Please note that the Youth Team Training #8 will be held on 9 Aug 2015
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Mariners' Club 
Team A members are compulsory to join.
Team B members are welcome to join.  Please note that members of Team B are required to attend at least one training every 3 months in order to enter Team A
Should you have any queries, please contact Youth Team committees or email to youthteam@hkcba.org


Please note that the Youth Team Training #8 will be held on 9 Aug 2015
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Mariners' Club 
Team A members are compulsory to join.
Team B members are welcome to join.  Please note that members of Team B are required to attend at least one training every 3 months in order to enter Team A
Should you have any queries, please contact Youth Team committees or email to youthteam@hkcba.org



2015 July Newsletter is ready! Please go to Newsletter section to view and download

2015 July Newsletter is ready! Please go to Newsletter section to view and download

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