Congratulations to Kongo Kong, Terence Chan, Jacky Ip, Sunny Mo, Yiu Wai Sing, H L Hau. They were leading after 4 segments in the final, and keep the winning position till the end.
Congratulations to Abby Chiu, Alan Sze, W K Lai, K F Mak, Zia Wai, Baron Ng, Samuel Wan. They played against 8 teams and scored 125 vp for the victory.
Congratulations to Damon Chan, John Tsang, KF Mak, WK Lai, Bubble Ho, Gordon Ho, Baron Ng, Zia Wai.
They played against 9 teams in 2 round-robins and scored 231 vp for the victory.
Congratulations to Alex Seto, Aron Hui, Derek Wong, Jacky Yan, Jeffrey Chiang, Leo To.
They won all 7 rounds with total 119 VP.
[without slow play @ . @]