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CUHK Swiss Team 2016




日期 : 十二月十八日(星期日)

地點 : 香港資優教育學苑 (近沙田圍港鐵站)

時間 : 早上九時三十分至下午五時三十分

收費 : 每隊HK$240


賽制 : 瑞士隊制賽

預先登記 : 將隊員名單發電郵至cubridge2016@gmail.com

          (年滿65歲之長者、中大學生及全日制中學生後分別以括號加上M, CU, 及S)

聯絡人 : Alfred Lam (6169 8438)

               York Kwan (9744 1820)






日期 : 十二月十八日(星期日)

地點 : 香港資優教育學苑 (近沙田圍港鐵站)

時間 : 早上九時三十分至下午五時三十分

收費 : 每隊HK$240


賽制 : 瑞士隊制賽

預先登記 : 將隊員名單發電郵至cubridge2016@gmail.com

          (年滿65歲之長者、中大學生及全日制中學生後分別以括號加上M, CU, 及S)

聯絡人 : Alfred Lam (6169 8438)

               York Kwan (9744 1820)



Hong Kong Intercity Bridge Championships 2017

Please note that the Hong Kong Intercity Bridge Championships 2017 will be held from 26 - 30 July at Regal Hongkong Hotel.

More information can be found via the below link



Please note that the Hong Kong Intercity Bridge Championships 2017 will be held from 26 - 30 July at Regal Hongkong Hotel.

More information can be found via the below link


APBF Trial (Open Series) open for registration

Please note that the APBF Trial (Open Series) is now open for registration.  Interested parties please register through our online registration system.  Please note the following:

1) Registration should come with 6 players.  Registration deadline: 23:55, 19 Nov 2016

2) Registration fee is based on the total number of entries.  Principle is all participating teams to share the total costs (from qualifying up to final).

3) Each team to submit completed convention cards to Kelvin Yim (kkwyim@gmail.com) on or before 23:55, 19 Nov 2016.  Please note that teams without convention cards submission is not considered as a complete registration.

4) Participant must be a HKCBA member in BOTH 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 bridge year (Registered player is not counted as a HKCBA member).


Please note that the APBF Trial (Open Series) is now open for registration.  Interested parties please register through our online registration system.  Please note the following:

1) Registration should come with 6 players.  Registration deadline: 23:55, 19 Nov 2016

2) Registration fee is based on the total number of entries.  Principle is all participating teams to share the total costs (from qualifying up to final).

3) Each team to submit completed convention cards to Kelvin Yim (kkwyim@gmail.com) on or before 23:55, 19 Nov 2016.  Please note that teams without convention cards submission is not considered as a complete registration.

4) Participant must be a HKCBA member in BOTH 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 bridge year (Registered player is not counted as a HKCBA member).

2016 四川攀枝花全國橋牌公開賽

We have received an invitation from 四川攀枝花 to join this event.  Any interested parties please email to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org


Deadline of registration: 27 Nov 2016


Please note that the players shall pay at his own cost.


Details can be found below:



We have received an invitation from 四川攀枝花 to join this event.  Any interested parties please email to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org


Deadline of registration: 27 Nov 2016


Please note that the players shall pay at his own cost.


Details can be found below:


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