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Help! Mariner's Club is closing in 2018!

As you may be aware, Mariner's Club will be closed starting Jan 2018, so we will no longer be able to use this venue.  We are now seeking for other possible alternates.  If you have any suggestion, please feel free to contact any of the Council memeber or email to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org

As you may be aware, Mariner's Club will be closed starting Jan 2018, so we will no longer be able to use this venue.  We are now seeking for other possible alternatives.  if you have any suggestion, please feel free to contact any of the Council member or email to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org

Announcement: 2017 AGM notice
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Contract Bridge Association Limited will be held on February 28, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Main Hall, 3/F., Mariners’ Club, 10 Middle Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon.
Nominations for the posts of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer must be filed on the attached forms and fax it to 2314-8101 or mail to Hong Kong G.P.O. Box 1445 by February 24, 2017.
Nominations for Council Members are taken up at the Annual General Meeting. A list of current Council Members is attached for your ease of reference.
Members who are unable to attend in person can fill in the proxy form attached and fax it to 2314-8101 or mail to Hong Kong G.P.O. Box 1445 by February 24, 2017.
Please find attached documents: 1) AGM agenda, 2) President report, 3) Financial report (draft), 4) Proxy form, 5) Nomination form, 6) Current council member list and 7) Special Voting member list
For inquiry, please feel free to contact us at hkcbaadm@hkcba.org
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Contract Bridge Association Limited will be held on February 28, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Main Hall, 3/F., Mariners’ Club, 10 Middle Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon.
Nominations for the posts of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer must be filed on the attached forms and fax it to 2314-8101 or mail to Hong Kong G.P.O. Box 1445 by February 24, 2017.
Nominations for Council Members are taken up at the Annual General Meeting. A list of current Council Members is attached for your ease of reference.
Members who are unable to attend in person can fill in the proxy form attached and fax it to 2314-8101 or mail to Hong Kong G.P.O. Box 1445 by February 24, 2017.
Please find attached documents: 1) AGM agenda, 2) President report, 3) Financial report (draft), 4) Proxy form, 5) Nomination form, 6) Current council member list and 7) Special Voting member list
For inquiry, please feel free to contact us at hkcbaadm@hkcba.org
Beginner's course

HKCBA is now planning to organize bridge beginner course in Feb (Wed evenings).  People who are interested please contact course@hkcba.org for details

HKCBA is now planning to organize bridge beginner course in Feb (Wed evenings).  People who are interested please contact course@hkcba.org for details.

APBF Trial (Ladies, Senior, Junior, Youngsters, Girls Series) open for registration

Please note that the trial for Ladies, Senior, Junior, Youngsters and Girls series is open for registration.

Interested parties please register through our pre-registration function.


Please note the following important points before registraion:


1) For Ladies and Senior section only, to be eligible to register for the trial, players must be HKCBA members (registered players are not included) of both bridge year 14-15 AND 15-16.


2) Total cost to be shared by all the participating teams in the trial.


3) Undertaking (English version) must need to be signed by every participant and submit during Captain's meeting.


4) Please register with 6 players except for Junior and Girls series fow which 4-6 players are allowed.  Youth Team sub-committee will decide on the remaining player(s) if the team contains less than 6 players.


5) After registration is closed, it is NOT allowed to cancel the team registration unless it is approved by both Tournament director and Council.  Otherwise, penalty may be imposed.


Deadline of registration: 25 Jan 2017 23:55



Please note that the trial for Ladies, Senior, Junior, Youngsters and Girls series is open for registration.

Interested parties please register through our pre-registration function.


Please note the following important points before registraion:


1) For Ladies and Senior section only, to be eligible to register for the trial, players must be HKCBA members (registered players are not included) of both bridge year 14-15 AND 15-16.


2) Total cost to be shared by all the participating teams in the trial.


3) Undertaking (English version) must need to be signed by every participant and submit during Captain's meeting.


4) Please register with 6 players except for Junior and Girls series for which 4-6 players are allowed.  Youth Team sub-committee will decide on the remaining player(s) if the team contains less than 6 players.


5) After registration is closed, it is NOT allowed to cancel the team registration unless it is approved by both Tournament director and Council.  Otherwise, penalty may be imposed.


Deadline of registration: 25 Jan 2017 23:55


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