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Realbridge Online Competition in Oct!


Realbridge將於10月1日舉行一場國際性線上比賽,歡迎來自世界各地青年橋手參與,費用全免。比賽分為U16 (雙人賽), U21, U26, U31 (隊際賽)。開賽時間請參閱以下海報。
「三棋一牌 智戰杭城」亞運誓師大會
杭州亞運在即,今屆是香港首次齊集三棋一牌 (i.e. 圍棋、中國象棋、國際象棋、橋牌) 四項智力運動,合共 43 名運動員一同出發智戰亞運項目。有見及此三棋一牌代表,包括: 中國香港圍棋協會、中國香港國際象棋總會、中國香港象棋總會 及中國香港橋牌協會將聯合舉辦一場誓師大會,旨在提升各運動 員士氣,及向社會推廣這幾項有益身心的智力運動項目。
日期:2023 年 9 月 10 日(星期日) 
時間: 2:00-3:30pm
地點: 荃灣荃新天地 2 期高層地下中庭
請於連結回覆出席意向: https://forms.gle/rtRLTZqYE5GLnt8QA
Fu Jian 6 Province Invitational Team Trial

 Fu Jian 6 Province Invitational Team Trial to be held on 9 Sep (Sat).

Fu Jian Province is inviting HKCBA to send 1 team participating the 6 province team competition in Luo Yuan, Fu Zhou (福州羅源縣) during 13-15 Oct, 2023. The organizing committee will serve the meals and hotels while the participants have to pay their own transportation fees. 


A one-day trial will be held on 9 Sep to select the representating team. Please see the CoC sent later for further details of the Tourney format. 


46th World Bridge Teams Championships will start soon!

46th World Bridge Teams Championships will start soon!

46th World Bridge Teams Championships will start soon!
46th World Bridge Teams Championship will be held from 20 August to 2 September at Morocco.  For details, please visit:
The following representatives will join the event. 
Bermuda Bowl (Open Team) -->  PC: Abby CHIU
Venice Cup (Women Team)  -->  NPC: Bacon LAM
d’Orsi Trophy (Seniors Team)--> PC: Pauline LING 
Good luck to all participants~
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