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IMP Pairs

The series of IMP Pairs in the bridge year 2017-2018 will start on 9 January 2018 at the new Club House. It is a 7-night game. Please be reminded to pre-register if you would like to participate in the series this year! Good luck!

The series of IMP Pairs in the bridge year 2017-2018 will start on 9 January 2018 at the new Club House. It is a 7-night game. Please be reminded to pre-register if you would like to participate in the series this year! Good luck!

Updated Schedule (Jan-May)

As mentioned before, due to the venue restrictions, we have to re-arrange the schedule from January 2018 to May 2018. The new schedule has been finalized and attached. Also, it has been uploaded to the Event Calendar. By the way, please take note of the followings:

1. The last event at Mariners' Club will be the MP Pairs (7) on 5 December 2017 (Tuesday) while the first official event at the new venue will be the Trial for Asian Cup on 6 January 2018 (Saturday). In addition, we are planning to have some trial events in late December, which will be confirmed later.

2. Open League in November will be postponed to 2018 and hence the play-off will be postponed to May 2018. Group A and Group B will be scheduled on 2 different Saturdays while Group C will be put in the Friday evenings.

3. Invitational Team will be split into 2 different Tuesday evenings.

4. Some cup events will be put on consecutive Fridays, including Edward Chok Swiss Team, Quadruple Pairs and Life & Non-Life Master Pairs.

The Council would like to thank the inputs from different members in making this schedule. If you have any comments regarding the schedule, please feel free to contact any members of the Tournament Operation Committee: Ronald Hui, Crystal Tang, Charlie Lee, Louis Tam, Oscar Chan and Samuel Yeung.

As mentioned before, due to the venue restrictions, we have to re-arrange the schedule from January 2018 to May 2018. The new schedule has been finalized and attached. Also, it has been uploaded to the Event Calendar. By the way, please take note of the followings:

1. The last event at Mariners' Club will be the MP Pairs (7) on 5 December 2017 (Tuesday) while the first official event at the new venue will be the Trial for Asian Cup on 6 January 2018 (Saturday). In addition, we are planning to have some trial events in late December, which will be confirmed later.

2. Open League in November will be postponed to 2018 and hence the play-off will be postponed to May 2018. Group A and Group B will be scheduled on 2 different Saturdays while Group C will be put in the Friday evenings.

3. Invitational Team will be split into 2 different Tuesday evenings.

4. Some cup events will be put on consecutive Fridays, including Edward Chok Swiss Team, Quadruple Pairs and Life & Non-Life Master Pairs.

The Council would like to thank the inputs from different members in making this schedule. If you have any comments regarding the schedule, please feel free to contact any members of the Tournament Operation Committee: Ronald Hui, Crystal Tang, Charlie Lee, Louis Tam, Oscar Chan and Samuel Yeung.


Ladies Open Pairs

Ladies Open Pairs will be held on 13 Nov 2017 at LRC.

Please see attached flyer for more information.

Ladies Open Pairs will be held on 13 Nov 2017 at LRC.

Please see attached flyer for more information.


Nov and Dec schedule

We have received the confirmation about our November-December venue booking from Mariners today. The following events will be held at Mariners' Club as previously scheduled:
. MP Pairs 6 and 7
. Invitational Team 6
. Trial 2 for Asian Games 2018

However, the Open League 4 will be postponed to January and hence each match-day will be scheduled into 3 different dates. It will be officially announced in the coming Open League 3 on 28 October.

We are now working on the rearrangement on the event schedule. We will keep you informed in mid-October.

We have received the confirmation about our November-December venue booking from Mariners today. The following events will be held at Mariners' Club as previously scheduled:
. MP Pairs 6 and 7
. Invitational Team 6
. Trial 2 for Asian Games 2018

However, the Open League 4 will be postponed to January and hence each match-day will be scheduled into 3 different dates. It will be officially announced in the coming Open League 3 on 28 October.

We are now working on the rearrangement on the event schedule. We will keep you informed in mid-October.

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