The pre-registration for APBF Trial has been started. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 4 November 2018 (Sunday). Please note that the qualifying will be tentatively held on four days (11, 17, 18 and 24 November) with Semi-final on 25 November (Sunday) and Final on 1-2 December (Saturday and Sunday). Please note that the quota is 16 teams only due to the limitation of the venue. Please do register as soon as possible.
Participants must be a HKCBA member in BOTH 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 bridge year (Registered player is not counted as a HKCBA member)
Note: Please note that the APBF 2019 will be held at Singapore in June. The results in the APBF will be part of the consideration by the SFOC in the Asian Games Athlete selection. For details, please refer to the SFOC document:
The pre-registration for APBF Trial has been started. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 4 November 2018 (Sunday). Please note that the qualifying will be tentatively held on four days (11, 17, 18 and 24 November) with Semi-final on 25 November (Sunday) and Final on 1-2 December (Saturday and Sunday). Please note that the quota is 16 teams only due to the limitation of the venue. Please do register as soon as possible.
Participants must be a HKCBA member in BOTH 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 bridge year (Registered player is not counted as a HKCBA member)
Note: Please note that the APBF 2019 will be held at Singapore in June. The results in the APBF will be part of the consideration by the SFOC in the Asian Games Athlete selection. For details, please refer to the SFOC document:
本年九月尾舉行了Grand Slam Individual(下文簡稱GSI) 比賽,GSI的參賽者皆是過去一個橋牌年度各大比賽的優勝者或香
此比賽最後共有十六名選手競逐,最後由年紀最小的Chris T H Chan 以61.7%的成績,在云云高手中贏得今屆的GSI 。對於勝出是項比賽,Chris謂感到驚喜,亦算是對他的能力一
Chris年紀輕輕已獲得GSI 冠軍的殊榮,足見他前途無限。
本年九月尾舉行了Grand Slam Individual(下文簡稱GSI) 比賽,GSI的參賽者皆是過去一個橋牌年度各大比賽的優勝者或香
此比賽最後共有十六名選手競逐,最後由年紀最小的Chris T H Chan 以61.7%的成績,在云云高手中贏得今屆的GSI 。對於勝出是項比賽,Chris謂感到驚喜,亦算是對他的能力一
Chris年紀輕輕已獲得GSI 冠軍的殊榮,足見他前途無限。
Open Pairs 2018-2019於9月22日舉行了初賽,選手分成兩個組別,
Open Pairs 2018-2019於9月22日舉行了初賽,選手分成兩個組別,
Please note that due to insufficient entries, the event will be cancelled.
Please note that due to insufficient entries, the event will be cancelled.