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Youth Team Recruitment 2018-2019

Please note that we are recruiting new team members for the term 2018-2019.  Interested parties please email to youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com (Attn: Mr. John Tsang and Mr. Charlie Lee) including the below details:
Phone number, Date of Birth, Age, School, BBO ID, Past Bridge Tournament Record, Preferred Partner.
An acknowledgement email shall be returned.

This interview will also include current Youth Team members.  They are not required to send this email.

All youth players who was born after 1st Jan 1994 are welcome to apply.

Deadline for registration : 15th July 2018

For any enquiries, please contact us at youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com

Please note that we are recruiting new team members for the term 2018-2019.  Interested parties please email to youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com (Attn: Mr. John Tsang and Mr. Charlie Lee) including the below details:
Phone number, Date of Birth, Age, School, BBO ID, Past Bridge Tournament Record, Preferred Partner.
An acknowledgement email shall be returned.

This interview will also include current Youth Team members.  They are not required to send this email.

All youth players who was born after 1st Jan 1994 are welcome to apply.

Deadline for registration : 15th July 2018

For any enquiries, please contact us at youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com

Interport 2017-2018

第三十五屆Interport(穗港澳橋牌比賽)於六月二十三日假廣州棋院舉行,香港一隊成績斐然,總成績以57.37VP 位列冠軍,為香港爭光。

Interport Trial 於本年四月底舉行,選拔出香港一隊和香港二隊作代表,他們於昨天跟廣州和澳門代表進行四輪單循環比賽,以最高積分的隊伍獲勝。香港一隊成員包括江國洪、梁彥尉、姚偉昇和陳頌偉,他們經過四輪激烈的循環賽,以8.80、14.39、18.09及16.09對廣州珠江、廣州紅棉、澳門1及澳門2,成為是次比賽的冠軍。





第三十五屆Interport(穗港澳橋牌比賽)於六月二十三日假廣州棋院舉行,香港一隊成績斐然,總成績以57.37VP 位列冠軍,為香港爭光。

Interport Trial 於本年四月底舉行,選拔出香港一隊和香港二隊作代表,他們於昨天跟廣州和澳門代表進行四輪單循環比賽,以最高積分的隊伍獲勝。香港一隊成員包括江國洪、梁彥尉、姚偉昇和陳頌偉,他們經過四輪激烈的循環賽,以8.80、14.39、18.09及16.09對廣州珠江、廣州紅棉、澳門1及澳門2,成為是次比賽的冠軍。





Congratulations to 2018-2019 IMP Pairs winner!


新橋季開邏了,率先為我們打開序幕的比賽是Year-round MP Pairs,由於該比賽以全年計算,冠軍鹿死誰手仍是未知之數,可能是你,記得報名參加本年度的MP Pairs。

而首個於今季誕生的冠軍是 IMP Pairs,這比賽於昨夜完滿結束了,冠軍是Rocky Tam 和Barney Lui,他們經過兩晚比賽,跟所有對手進行較量後,總積分以548分大幅拋離對手取勝。而Rocky Tam 更是首位第二次取得這項比賽冠軍的橋手,實力非凡。



新橋季開邏了,率先為我們打開序幕的比賽是Year-round MP Pairs,由於該比賽以全年計算,冠軍鹿死誰手仍是未知之數,可能是你,記得報名參加本年度的MP Pairs。

而首個於今季誕生的冠軍是 IMP Pairs,這比賽於昨夜完滿結束了,冠軍是Rocky Tam 和Barney Lui,他們經過兩晚比賽,跟所有對手進行較量後,總積分以548分大幅拋離對手取勝。而Rocky Tam 更是首位第二次取得這項比賽冠軍的橋手,實力非凡。


Open League - Qualifying Swiss for Group B

After the Open League 2017-18, there are 4 vacancies in Group B open for competition. A qualifying swiss has been arranged on 7 July for these 4 vacancies. We are now accepting registration for this qualifying swiss. Please take note of the followings:

1. The top 4 teams in this qualifying swiss can earn a berth in Open League Group B 2018-2019 while the others can play in Group C.
2. The players registered in this qualifying swiss will be assumed to be playing in the same team as this qualifying swiss for Open League 2018-2019.
3. Group C will only be offered if there are 7 or more teams. Otherwise, the players registered in the qualifying swiss but failed to qualify in Group B may join in the other Open League teams in either Group A or Group B.
4. All participants in the Open League are required to be HKCBA members or registered players.

Please do register by sending email to the Open League (openleague.hkcba@gmail.com) on or before 30th June 2018 (Saturday). In the mail, please provide the following information:

1. Team name
2. Name of Captain
3. Name of Contact Person
4. Contact Number and e-mail of Contact Person
5. Player's Name (At least four)

After the Open League 2017-18, there are 4 vacancies in Group B open for competition. A qualifying swiss has been arranged on 7 July for these 4 vacancies. We are now accepting registration for this qualifying swiss. Please take note of the followings:

1. The top 4 teams in this qualifying swiss can earn a berth in Open League Group B 2018-2019 while the others can play in Group C.
2. The players registered in this qualifying swiss will be assumed to be playing in the same team as this qualifying swiss for Open League 2018-2019.
3. Group C will only be offered if there are 7 or more teams. Otherwise, the players registered in the qualifying swiss but failed to qualify in Group B may join in the other Open League teams in either Group A or Group B.
4. All participants in the Open League are required to be HKCBA members or registered players.

Please do register by sending email to the Open League (openleague.hkcba@gmail.com) on or before 30th June 2018 (Saturday). In the mail, please provide the following information:

1. Team name
2. Name of Captain
3. Name of Contact Person
4. Contact Number and e-mail of Contact Person
5. Player's Name (At least four)

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