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Congratulations to 2018-2019 Swiss Pairs Winners!


經過兩晚的比賽,Swiss Pairs2018-2019 的冠軍誕生了,Alan Mok和Terence Chan以797.2分獲得冠軍的寶座。

據Terence 所說,原來他和Alan已有三年的搭檔經驗,這次比賽他們終於修成正果,拿到他倆合作以來的首個冠軍。

回想這次奪冠之路,Terence覺得十分驚險,這次打Swiss Pairs他們不單止從未坐上過第一桌,而且在打完第十輪時他們只是排第七,更落後首名達60個MP。幸好在最後兩輪獲得幸運之神的眷顧,才能趕過其他對手拿到冠軍。

這次奪冠之旅必定令Terence 和Alan十分難忘。


經過兩晚的比賽,Swiss Pairs2018-2019 的冠軍誕生了,Alan Mok和Terence Chan以797.2分獲得冠軍的寶座。

據Terence 所說,原來他和Alan已有三年的搭檔經驗,這次比賽他們終於修成正果,拿到他倆合作以來的首個冠軍。

回想這次奪冠之路,Terence覺得十分驚險,這次打Swiss Pairs他們不單止從未坐上過第一桌,而且在打完第十輪時他們只是排第七,更落後首名達60個MP。幸好在最後兩輪獲得幸運之神的眷顧,才能趕過其他對手拿到冠軍。

這次奪冠之旅必定令Terence 和Alan十分難忘。


Friday Pairs

The Council is going to introduce 3 additional events in this bridge year. They are Friday Pairs. They are simply MP pair events, without any Championship Cup. The pre-registration of these events will be closed at 12:00 noon that day. If there are 7 pairs or less in the pre-registration, the event that day will be cancelled.

The Council is going to introduce 3 additional events in this bridge year. They are Friday Pairs. They are simply MP pair events, without any Championship Cup. The pre-registration of these events will be closed at 12:00 noon that day. If there are 7 pairs or less in the pre-registration, the event that day will be cancelled.

APBF Ladies Team Trial

The pre-registration for APBF Ladies Team Trial has been started. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 19 January 2019 (Saturday). Please note that the qualifying will be tentatively held on 26-27 January with Final on 2-3 February. Please note that the quota is 4 teams only due to the limitation of the venue. Please do register as soon as possible.

Note: Please note that the APBF 2019 will be held at Singapore in June. Participants are expected to be HKCBA members in last and this bridge years. Also, the results in the APBF will be part of the consideration by the SFOC in the Asian Games Athlete selection. For details, please refer to the SFOC document: http://www.hkcba.org/asiangames/doc/Appendix%20III_AG_Selection%20Critiera_Eng.pdf

The pre-registration for APBF Ladies Team Trial has been started. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 19 January 2019 (Saturday). Please note that the qualifying will be tentatively held on 26-27 January with Final on 2-3 February. Please note that the quota is 4 teams only due to the limitation of the venue. Please do register as soon as possible.

Note: Please note that the APBF 2019 will be held at Singapore in June. Participants are expected to be HKCBA members in last and this bridge years. Also, the results in the APBF will be part of the consideration by the SFOC in the Asian Games Athlete selection. For details, please refer to the SFOC document: http://www.hkcba.org/asiangames/doc/Appendix%20III_AG_Selection%20Critiera_Eng.pdf

APBF Senior Team Trial

The pre-registration for APBF Senior Team Trial has been started. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 19 January 2019 (Saturday). Please note that the qualifying will be tentatively held on 26-27 January with Final on 2-3 February. Please note that the quota is 4 teams only due to the limitation of the venue. Please do register as soon as possible.

Note: Please note that the APBF 2019 will be held at Singapore in June. Participants are expected to be HKCBA members in last and this bridge years. In addition, the age limit of the participants should be 61 or above, according to the WBF Senior Age Regulations: http://championships.worldbridge.org/lyonwt17/senior-age-regulations

The pre-registration for APBF Senior Team Trial has been started. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 19 January 2019 (Saturday). Please note that the qualifying will be tentatively held on 26-27 January with Final on 2-3 February. Please note that the quota is 4 teams only due to the limitation of the venue. Please do register as soon as possible.

Note: Please note that the APBF 2019 will be held at Singapore in June. Participants are expected to be HKCBA members in last and this bridge years. In addition, the age limit of the participants should be 61 or above, according to the WBF Senior Age Regulations: http://championships.worldbridge.org/lyonwt17/senior-age-regulations

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