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Special Announcement - Open League 1 (11 Aug)

Please note that Open League today will be postponed if typhoon signal no 3 is hoisted at noon

Please note that Open League today will be postponed if typhoon signal no 3 is hoisted at noon


橋牌會建立了一個橋牌專欄, 並邀請了 Mr. Raymond S P Chow 幫忙投稿.  最新一篇投稿已於七月二十五日上載, 歡迎瀏覽





橋牌會建立了一個橋牌專欄, 並邀請了 Mr. Raymond S P Chow 幫忙投稿, 最新一篇投稿已於七月二十五日上載, 歡迎瀏覽



Open League C registration

The registration for Open League C is now open. This section will be opened if there are 7 or more teams. All games will be held on Friday evenings, normally the day before Open League B. The first match will be held on 17 August (Friday).

Please do register by sending email to the Open League (openleague.hkcba@gmail.com) on or before 10 August 2018 (Friday). In the mail, please provide the following information:

1. Team name
2. Name of Captain
3. Name of Contact Person
4. Contact Number and e-mail of Contact Person
5. Player's Name (At least four)

The registration for Open League C is now open. This section will be opened if there are 7 or more teams. All games will be held on Friday evenings, normally the day before Open League B. The first match will be held on 17 August (Friday).

Please do register by sending email to the Open League (openleague.hkcba@gmail.com) on or before 10 August 2018 (Friday). In the mail, please provide the following information:

1. Team name
2. Name of Captain
3. Name of Contact Person
4. Contact Number and e-mail of Contact Person
5. Player's Name (At least four)

Congratulations to 2018-2019 Multiple Team winner!


Multiple Team 於上週五完滿結束,Warriors隊以146.35VP榮獲冠軍,成績驕人。

Warriors隊隊員包括Frederick Mak、Gordon Ho、Bubble Ho、K F Mak和Joyce Tung,經過十一輪的賽事,他們以大比數拋離對手,實至名歸。此外,該隊成員Gordon Ho、Bubble Ho、K F Mak和Joyce Tung將於本年八月代表香港前往印尼參加2018亞運會,屆時他們將與其他隊伍爭奪獎牌。

Multiple Team 是香港城市橋牌錦標賽前夕的最後一個冠軍賽,熱愛橋牌的朋友可於七月十七日至二十一日參加香港城市橋牌錦標賽,跟香港及外地的朋友切磋較量橋技。


Multiple Team 於上週五完滿結束,Warriors隊以146.35VP榮獲冠軍,成績驕人。

Warriors隊隊員包括Frederick Mak、Gordon Ho、Bubble Ho、K F Mak和Joyce Tung,經過十一輪的賽事,他們以大比數拋離對手,實至名歸。此外,該隊成員Gordon Ho、Bubble Ho、K F Mak和Joyce Tung將於本年八月代表香港前往印尼參加2018亞運會,屆時他們將與其他隊伍爭奪獎牌。

Multiple Team 是香港城市橋牌錦標賽前夕的最後一個冠軍賽,熱愛橋牌的朋友可於七月十七日至二十一日參加香港城市橋牌錦標賽,跟香港及外地的朋友切磋較量橋技。


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