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Congratulations to Open Pairs Winner!

106 boards in 4 sessions

Congratulations to Kongo Kong & K Y Tam

This is a championship event with four sessions. In the first half on the qualifying day, the pair scored 57.2% ranking in the third position. At the end of the qualifying session, they get into the second place and top 12 pairs get into the final.

They keep the leading position at the start of the final session while scoring 60.3%, 10 match point ahead of the second place. They perform failry in the second half but fortunately keeping the leading position till the end.


Octopus payment is coming!

Octopus payment will be tested out starting from 25 June 2024. Members may use their Octopus Card/App/Wallet to settle entry fees of HKCBA tournaments.


Members are highly recommended to make payment via Octopus. Apart from it is a convenient way, your cooperation may potentially:

1.           help HKCBA to achieve a better corporate governance for higher chance of funding approval from HKSI and LCSD; and

2.           ease some of the workloads for our tournament directors.


We hope it will be a better payment option for everyone.

Congratulations to BAM Team Winner!

With 5 teams playing 2 round robins, the team Charmian Koo lead in both rounds. Congratulations to Charmian Koo, Samuel Wan, Roger Ling, Leo Lam, Krystal Fang!

Cancellation of BAM tournament on 31 May

In light of the worsening weather conditions at the moment, the Council has decided that the tourney today (31 May) will be cancelled and rescheduled to another date.

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