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Leisure Activities Survey


Leisure Activities Survey

by WBF Official Nov. 25

The WBF is conducting a survey exploring what types of leisure activities people do and why.


Please help us, our community and our beautiful game by taking 5 minutes to complete the survey, and by asking friends to complete it (even those who don't play bridge)


The survey is here: https://pip.surveymonkey.com/r/DKJW93X.


Because this survey is aimed primarily at bridge players, the end result will be a better understanding of why different groups of people around the world like and play bridge, and how bridge compares to other activities that bridge players and potential bridge players like to do. This will help bridge administrators, teachers and promoters design better ways to identify, attract and teach potential bridge players, and also ways to encourage players to keep playing the game.


Thank you!


Ben Thompson, WBF 1st Vice President and Chair Marketing & Communications Committee

2024 World Bridge Games Trial

Go play for bridge Argentina

The 2024 World Bridge Games is tentatively scheduled for Oct 19-Nov 3 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Each NBO is allowed to send one team in each category. The starting date of the trials for the competition is as follows:

Open Team: 6 Jan

Mixed Team: 17 Feb

Ladies and Senior: 23 March

For details of the trial dates, please refer to the calendar of HKCBA website.

2024 Open League Application Begins!

Open League will resume in the 2024 season!

Open League will resume in the 2024 season! The first match will start in March 2024. OL-A & OL-B will be determined by the recent results of the first four registered players. If you are interested, please register the team on or before 31 Dec 2023 by filling the google form below.


Please also refer the link below for more details of tournament format.



Application for instructor course

HKCBA Tutors Course

Speakers: Sam Tseng, Abby Chiu Course

Venue: HKCBA Clubhouse

Speakers: Sam Tseng, Abby Chiu Course

Objective: To train up bridge players to become bridge instructors, to the level sufficient to manage a beginners course in primary, secondary schools, and local bridge institutes.

To know more details, please click here


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