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Mixed Team

The pre-registration for Mixed Team has been started. This is a new event for HKCBA and it is named as Ella Graca Cup. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 10 April (Wednesday). Please note that the length of the event depends on the number of participating teams. It will be held on 13 April starting at 2:30 pm. If number of participants is more than 8, 14 April will be used. Please note that the quota is 16 teams.

The pre-registration for Mixed Team has been started. This is a new event for HKCBA and it is named as Ella Graca Cup. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 10 April (Wednesday). Please note that the length of the event depends on the number of participating teams. It will be held on 13 April starting at 2:30 pm. If number of participants is more than 8, 14 April will be used. Please note that the quota is 16 teams.

18-District Bridge Championship 2019

The Hong Kong Contract Bridge Association (HKCBA) is introducing the first-ever 18-District Bridge Championship in Hong Kong. This Championship is organized by the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), co-organized by the HKCBA and subvented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In addition, this Championship is part of the 62nd Festival of Sport, which will be held from April to May 2019. The objective of this Championship is to promote bridge in the territory. We encourage athletes from different districts to form teams to participate in this event.

The General Tournament Information is as follows:
Date:   20th April 2019 (Saturday)
Time:   9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Venue:  Large Activity Room No 1 and 2, Kowloon Park Sports Centre, Kowloon Park, Kowloon
Limit:  20 teams, from 18 districts
Format: one day with six Swiss sessions of 8 boards each

Registration should be sent by email to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org. Players are encouraged to enter in advance, and entries should be received by 23:59 of Friday 5th April 2019. Each registration should contain the names, telephone numbers and email addresses of all players in the team, together with the formal proof of every player’s residential address (showing at least the name of the player, his/her postal address and the letterhead for verification). The HKCBA Council reserves the right of interpretation and approval of all registrations.

For details, please see the attached Conditions of Contest.

The Hong Kong Contract Bridge Association (HKCBA) is introducing the first-ever 18-District Bridge Championship in Hong Kong. This Championship is organized by the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), co-organized by the HKCBA and subvented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In addition, this Championship is part of the 62nd Festival of Sport, which will be held from April to May 2019. The objective of this Championship is to promote bridge in the territory. We encourage athletes from different districts to form teams to participate in this event.

The General Tournament Information is as follows:
Date:   20th April 2019 (Saturday)
Time:   9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Venue:  Large Activity Room No 1 and 2, Kowloon Park Sports Centre, Kowloon Park, Kowloon
Limit:  20 teams, from 18 districts
Format: one day with six Swiss sessions of 8 boards each

Registration should be sent by email to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org. Players are encouraged to enter in advance, and entries should be received by 23:59 of Friday 5th April 2019. Each registration should contain the names, telephone numbers and email addresses of all players in the team, together with the formal proof of every player’s residential address (showing at least the name of the player, his/her postal address and the letterhead for verification). The HKCBA Council reserves the right of interpretation and approval of all registrations.

For details, please see the attached Conditions of Contest.

Congratulations to 2018-2019 Team of Six winners!

一連舉行了兩天的Team of Six 上週六完滿結束,冠軍由Fantastic Mickey Mouse隊奪得。Fantastic Mickey Mouse隊的成員Yiu Wai Sing、Mickey Law、Bubble Ho、Gordon Ho、Frederick Mak、Kongo Kong、H L Hau和Sing Leung分別來自Fantastic 隊和Mickey Mouse隊,兩支隊伍平日總是在橋桌上針鋒相較,是次合奏馬上譜出凱旋之歌。

Team of Six的賽制要求每隊每輪派出六位選手上陣,每副牌的分數將會核對兩次,總成績以最多VP的隊伍勝出。

是次比賽中,Fantastic Mickey Mouse 隊六勝一負。其中亞運銀牌得主Bubble Ho和Gordon Ho,以及Yiu Wai Sing三人更是連續兩年贏得此比賽。對於再次得獎,Bubble Ho 表示高興,據他說,去年他們連勝九場,再加上今年連贏六場,最後一場才落敗,中間跨季連勝十五場。足見各成員實力雄厚,成績驕人


一連舉行了兩天的Team of Six 上週六完滿結束,冠軍由Fantastic Mickey Mouse隊奪得。Fantastic Mickey Mouse隊的成員Yiu Wai Sing、Mickey Law、Bubble Ho、Gordon Ho、Frederick Mak、Kongo Kong、H L Hau和Sing Leung分別來自Fantastic 隊和Mickey Mouse隊,兩支隊伍平日總是在橋桌上針鋒相較,是次合奏馬上譜出凱旋之歌。

Team of Six的賽制要求每隊每輪派出六位選手上陣,每副牌的分數將會核對兩次,總成績以最多VP的隊伍勝出。

是次比賽中,Fantastic Mickey Mouse 隊六勝一負。其中亞運銀牌得主Bubble Ho和Gordon Ho,以及Yiu Wai Sing三人更是連續兩年贏得此比賽。對於再次得獎,Bubble Ho 表示高興,據他說,去年他們連勝九場,再加上今年連贏六場,最後一場才落敗,中間跨季連勝十五場。足見各成員實力雄厚,成績驕人



Congratulations to 2018-2019 Swiss Team winner!

上週六舉行的Swiss Team,由Alan Sze隊連勝六場勇奪冠軍。該隊成員包括Alan Sze、Abby Chiu、KY Tam、Jim Lee、Leo Lam和John Tsang。其中Alan Sze和Abby Chiu已於去年十月贏得本年度的Open Team of 4。

是次比賽以瑞士隊制賽進行,除了第一輪比賽以抽籤形式選對手,其餘各輪皆根據隊伍所得的VP來排列名次及對手,即第一名對賽第二名,第三名對賽第四名,如此類推。Alan Sze隊以18.21、14.39、10.86、13.78、12.77、19.85六戰全勝的佳績長期處於榜首,最終更獲得勝利。

對於勝出比賽,Alan Sze謙稱是隊友打得好。隊中成員Jim Lee和John Tsang以+57.99 X-Imps 排在數據首位。



上週六舉行的Swiss Team,由Alan Sze隊連勝六場勇奪冠軍。該隊成員包括Alan Sze、Abby Chiu、KY Tam、Jim Lee、Leo Lam和John Tsang。其中Alan Sze和Abby Chiu已於去年十月贏得本年度的Open Team of 4。

是次比賽以瑞士隊制賽進行,除了第一輪比賽以抽籤形式選對手,其餘各輪皆根據隊伍所得的VP來排列名次及對手,即第一名對賽第二名,第三名對賽第四名,如此類推。Alan Sze隊以18.21、14.39、10.86、13.78、12.77、19.85六戰全勝的佳績長期處於榜首,最終更獲得勝利。

對於勝出比賽,Alan Sze謙稱是隊友打得好。隊中成員Jim Lee和John Tsang以+57.99 X-Imps 排在數據首位。




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