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Postponement of MP Pairs (3)

Due to the typhoon signal, the MP Pairs (3) has been postponed to 29 January 2019 (Tuesday). Please note that the quota is 30 pairs only due to the limitation of the venue. Please do register as soon as possible.

Due to the typhoon signal, the MP Pairs (3) has been postponed to 29 January 2019 (Tuesday). Please note that the quota is 30 pairs only due to the limitation of the venue. Please do register as soon as possible.

香港橋牌學校 - 招標(更新)

香港橋牌協會現正為香港橋牌學校提供招標, 有意者請電郵至 hkcbaadm@hkcba.org

截止日期為: 2018年12月31日


如有查詢可電郵至 hkcbaadm@hkcba.org

香港橋牌協會現正為香港橋牌學校提供招標, 有意者請電郵至 hkcbaadm@hkcba.org

截止日期為: 2018年12月31日


如有查詢可電郵至 hkcbaadm@hkcba.org

APBF Youth Trial registration
For 2019 APBF Championship
Event details
Time: 5th April to 11th April, 2019
Venue: The Montien Hotel, Surawongse Road, Bangkok, Thailand
The following championship events will be held.
1. Junior (U26)
2. Youngsters (U21)
3. Girls (U26)
4. Kids (U16)
There are age limitations for each category.
For example, in Junior Section (U26) ,
Each player shall have at most his 25th birthday in the calendar year 2019, i.e. shall have been born in or after 1994.
Entries requirement
1. at least 4 players are required for registration in trial, HKCBA Youth Committee has the right to refill enough players if the team consists of less than 6 players. Registration by email with the category you wanted to participate to youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com and email will be returned as the confirmation of registration.
2. Coach or Captain of the team must prepare documents (max 2 pages)
with signature, before 19/1 on the training method and frequency of training to youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com. For the representing team, this document should be included in the captain’s report with evaluation.
3. For each category, trials will be held whenever there are teams more than the number HKCBA council approved.
4. Coach or Captain should monitor the preparation process of their team members, HKCBA reserve the right not to send the teams if one of the members of the team fails to
 A. follow the proposed plan by the Coach or Captain of the team.
 B. maintain a proper ethic
Please kindly email youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com or contact John Tsang for regjstration.


Deadline of Registration: 19 Jan 2019 (23:59)

For 2019 APBF Championship
Event details
Time: 5th April to 11th April, 2019
Venue: The Montien Hotel, Surawongse Road, Bangkok, Thailand
The following championship events will be held.
1. Junior (U26)
2. Youngsters (U21)
3. Girls (U26)
4. Kids (U16)
There are age limitations for each category.
For example, in Junior Section (U26) ,
Each player shall have at most his 25th birthday in the calendar year 2019, i.e. shall have been born in or after 1994.
Entries requirement
1. at least 4 players are required for registration in trial, HKCBA Youth Committee has the right to refill enough players if the team consists of less than 6 players. Registration by email with the category you wanted to participate to youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com and email will be returned as the confirmation of registration.
2. Coach or Captain of the team must prepare documents (max 2 pages)
with signature, before 19/1 on the training method and frequency of training to youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com. For the representing team, this document should be included in the captain’s report with evaluation.
3. For each category, trials will be held whenever there are teams more than the number HKCBA council approved.
4. Coach or Captain should monitor the preparation process of their team members, HKCBA reserve the right not to send the teams if one of the members of the team fails to
 A. follow the proposed plan by the Coach or Captain of the team.
 B. maintain a proper ethic
Please kindly email youthteam.hkcba@gmail.com or contact John Tsang for regjstration.


Deadline of Registration: 19 Jan 2019 (23:59)

Congratulations to 2018-2019 BAM winners!

Board-A-Match Team(下文簡稱BAM Team)是本橋年新增加的隊際錦標賽,是項計分方法有別於其他比賽。比賽分成兩節,首節比賽六輪,次節比賽七輪,對勻全部對手,每輪共打四副牌,每副牌值2分,勝出得2分,和局得1分,負得0分。在緊湊的賽制下,每副牌的積分都是勝負關鍵,例如三無王得十墩跟四黑桃得十墩對比,三無王得十墩便能完全取得2分。

經過兩節的比賽,首屆BAM Team的冠軍誕生了,勝出隊伍是Kornhill,隊員包括:Billy Fung、W H Fok、Terence Chan、Sunny Lam、Michael S T Wu和Javy Choy,他們力壓群雄,總成績以71分名列榜首,實致名歸。

Board-A-Match Team(下文簡稱BAM Team)是本橋年新增加的隊際錦標賽,是項計分方法有別於其他比賽。比賽分成兩節,首節比賽六輪,次節比賽七輪,對勻全部對手,每輪共打四副牌,每副牌值2分,勝出得2分,和局得1分,負得0分。在緊湊的賽制下,每副牌的積分都是勝負關鍵,例如三無王得十墩跟四黑桃得十墩對比,三無王得十墩便能完全取得2分。

經過兩節的比賽,首屆BAM Team的冠軍誕生了,勝出隊伍是Kornhill,隊員包括:Billy Fung、W H Fok、Terence Chan、Sunny Lam、Michael S T Wu和Javy Choy,他們力壓群雄,總成績以71分名列榜首,實致名歸。

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