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Congratulations to 2018-2019 Quadruple Pairs winner!

Quadruple Pairs 昨夜完滿結束,由Alan Sze隊奪得冠軍,隊員包括Alan Sze、Abby Chiu、Derek Zen、Roger Ling和Samuel Wan。


Alan Sze隊於第一節取得910.1分,次節得757分,第三節獲得716分,總成績2383.1分(54.7%)奪冠。

Quadruple Pairs 昨夜完滿結束,由Alan Sze隊奪得冠軍,隊員包括Alan Sze、Abby Chiu、Derek Zen、Roger Ling和Samuel Wan。


Alan Sze隊於第一節取得910.1分,次節得757分,第三節獲得716分,總成績2383.1分(54.7%)奪冠。


New bridge year (2019-2020)

Please be reminded that the new bridge year starts from 1 June 2019. Members are reminded to renew their membership fee if you would like to participate the HKCBA events. Membership forms can be found here

Please be reminded that the new bridge year starts from 1 June 2019. Members are reminded to renew their membership fee if you would like to participate the HKCBA events. Membership forms can be found here


Tournament Director Training Course

The HKCBA Board of Tournament Directors is going to organize a Tournament Director Training Course. It will be 8 session course including an examination. Outstanding participants will be invited to help in the coming Inter-city Bridge Championships as their practicum. The schedule of the lecture is tentatively as follows: 10 June, 17 June, 24 June, 1 July*, 8 July and 15 July (Note: 1 July will have 2 sessions, probably afternoon and evening). The last session will be an examination which will be scheduled later. The venue will be at the HKCBA Club House. The medium of instruction will be in Cantonese and the learning materials are in English. If you are interested participate in the course, please register directly to Mr. Ronald Hui at huisir@hotmail.com. The lecturers are Ms. Tiffany Tse, the WBF Tournament Director and Mr. Kelvin Chan, the WBF Assistant Tournament Director.


The HKCBA Board of Tournament Directors is going to organize a Tournament Director Training Course. It will be 8 session course including an examination. Outstanding participants will be invited to help in the coming Inter-city Bridge Championships as their practicum. The schedule of the lecture is tentatively as follows: 10 June, 17 June, 24 June, 1 July*, 8 July and 15 July (Note: 1 July will have 2 sessions, probably afternoon and evening). The last session will be an examination which will be scheduled later. The venue will be at the HKCBA Club House. The medium of instruction will be in Cantonese and the learning materials are in English. If you are interested participate in the course, please register directly to Mr. Ronald Hui at huisir@hotmail.com. The lecturers are Ms. Tiffany Tse, the WBF Tournament Director and Mr. Kelvin Chan, the WBF Assistant Tournament Director.


Friday Pairs - The last event of the bridge year 2018-2019

The last event of the bridge year 2018-2019 will be the Friday Pairs on 31 Friday. Please do register before 12 noon that day so that we could prepare the tournament better in advance. Please note that we can only accommodate 15 tables. The registration will be closed when the venue is full. Please note that the Tournament Operations will review the participation rate of these Friday Pairs and then evaluate whether we will continue in the bridge year 2018-2019. The TD is Mr. WD Zhu.

The last event of the bridge year 2018-2019 will be the Friday Pairs on 31 Friday. Please do register before 12 noon that day so that we could prepare the tournament better in advance. Please note that we can only accommodate 15 tables. The registration will be closed when the venue is full. Please note that the Tournament Operations will review the participation rate of these Friday Pairs and then evaluate whether we will continue in the bridge year 2018-2019. The TD is Mr. WD Zhu.

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