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Open Team of Six

The pre-registration for Open Team of Six has been started. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 12 March (Tuesday). Please note that the Open Team of Six is a 3-session event which will be held in the evening of 15 March (Friday) and in the afternoon and the evening of 16 March. Please note that the quota is 10 teams and this is an event with Trial Point.

The pre-registration for Open Team of Six has been started. In order to prepare better for the matches, please do register before the deadline: 12 March (Tuesday). Please note that the Open Team of Six is a 3-session event which will be held in the evening of 15 March (Friday) and in the afternoon and the evening of 16 March. Please note that the quota is 10 teams and this is an event with Trial Point.


Please note that 全國橋牌團體賽 will be held in 上海市 from 15 Apr - 21 Apr.
Interested parties please send an email to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org by 28 Feb
Please note that trial points will be used if more than 1 entries.

Please note that 全國橋牌團體賽 will be held in 上海市 from 15 Apr - 21 Apr.
Interested parties please send an email to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org by 28 Feb
Please note that trial points will be used if more than 1 entries.


Announcement: 2019 AGM notice

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Contract Bridge Association Limited will be held on February 26, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at HKCBA Clubhouse (Address: 20/F, Kelly Commercial Centre, 570-572 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei)


Nominations for the posts of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer must be filed on the attached forms and mail to HKCBA Clubhouse by February 22, 2019.

Nominations for Council Members are taken up at the Annual General Meeting. A list of current Council Members is attached for your ease of reference.


Members who are unable to attend in person can fill in the proxy form attached and mail to HKCBA Clubhouse by February 22, 2019.


Please find attached documents: 1) AGM agenda, 2) President report, 3) Financial report (draft), 4) Proxy form, 5) Nomination form, 6) Current council member list and 7) Special Voting member list


For inquiry, please feel free to contact us at hkcbaadm@hkcba.org

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Contract Bridge Association Limited will be held on February 26, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at HKCBA Clubhouse (Address: 20/F, Kelly Commercial Centre, 570-572 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei)


Nominations for the posts of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer must be filed on the attached forms and mail to HKCBA Clubhouse by February 22, 2019.

Nominations for Council Members are taken up at the Annual General Meeting. A list of current Council Members is attached for your ease of reference.


Members who are unable to attend in person can fill in the proxy form attached and mail to HKCBA Clubhouse by February 22, 2019.


Please find attached documents: 1) AGM agenda, 2) President report, 3) Financial report (draft), 4) Proxy form, 5) Nomination form, 6) Current council member list and 7) Special Voting member list


For inquiry, please feel free to contact us at hkcbaadm@hkcba.org

Congratulations to 2018-2019 Swiss Pairs Winners!


經過兩晚的比賽,Swiss Pairs2018-2019 的冠軍誕生了,Alan Mok和Terence Chan以797.2分獲得冠軍的寶座。

據Terence 所說,原來他和Alan已有三年的搭檔經驗,這次比賽他們終於修成正果,拿到他倆合作以來的首個冠軍。

回想這次奪冠之路,Terence覺得十分驚險,這次打Swiss Pairs他們不單止從未坐上過第一桌,而且在打完第十輪時他們只是排第七,更落後首名達60個MP。幸好在最後兩輪獲得幸運之神的眷顧,才能趕過其他對手拿到冠軍。

這次奪冠之旅必定令Terence 和Alan十分難忘。


經過兩晚的比賽,Swiss Pairs2018-2019 的冠軍誕生了,Alan Mok和Terence Chan以797.2分獲得冠軍的寶座。

據Terence 所說,原來他和Alan已有三年的搭檔經驗,這次比賽他們終於修成正果,拿到他倆合作以來的首個冠軍。

回想這次奪冠之路,Terence覺得十分驚險,這次打Swiss Pairs他們不單止從未坐上過第一桌,而且在打完第十輪時他們只是排第七,更落後首名達60個MP。幸好在最後兩輪獲得幸運之神的眷顧,才能趕過其他對手拿到冠軍。

這次奪冠之旅必定令Terence 和Alan十分難忘。


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