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Congratulations to 2019-2020 Multiple Teams winner!


Multiple Team於七月五日及七月十二日舉行,是次比賽共十三隊參加,最後由HeyYO!!隊奪得冠軍。

HeyYO!!隊的成員包括Damon Chan、W C Li、Baron Ng、Tony Lau、K F Mak和W K Lai。該隊於首晚比賽共得85.17vp,次晚比賽得69.85vp,總成績155.07勝出。

第二名和第三名分別是Dragonite隊和Mickey 2C隊。


Multiple Team於七月五日及七月十二日舉行,是次比賽共十三隊參加,最後由HeyYO!!隊奪得冠軍。

HeyYO!!隊的成員包括Damon Chan、W C Li、Baron Ng、Tony Lau、K F Mak和W K Lai。該隊於首晚比賽共得85.17vp,次晚比賽得69.85vp,總成績155.07勝出。

第二名和第三名分別是Dragonite隊和Mickey 2C隊。


Open League 2019-2020

The new session of Open League 2019-2020 will be held on 10 August. The capacity for the Open League is still 16 teams for Class A and 16 teams for Class B. An invitation for the team participating in Open League 2018-2019 to play for this next Open League will be sent out soon. If your team did not participate in it before, since there are 4 vacancies in Class B, you are welcome to register for the Qualifying Swiss for Class B, which will be held on 22 June 2019, with back up date on 23 June. On the same day, the knock-out matches for Class A will be held. Please do register at http://www.hkcba.org on or before 15 June 2019. All participants in the Open League are reminded to be members or registered players of HKCBA. Please note that if there are sufficient participation in organizing the Class C (which will be held on Friday nights), the Tournament Operation will seriously consider. so, new teams are encouraged to register. The TDs are Mr. Martin Poon and Mr. Eric KC Chan.

The new session of Open League 2019-2020 will be held on 10 August. The capacity for the Open League is still 16 teams for Class A and 16 teams for Class B. An invitation for the team participating in Open League 2018-2019 to play for this next Open League will be sent out soon. If your team did not participate in it before, since there are 4 vacancies in Class B, you are welcome to register for the Qualifying Swiss for Class B, which will be held on 22 June 2019, with back up date on 23 June. On the same day, the knock-out matches for Class A will be held. Please do register at http://www.hkcba.org on or before 15 June 2019. All participants in the Open League are reminded to be members or registered players of HKCBA. Please note that if there are sufficient participation in organizing the Class C (which will be held on Friday nights), the Tournament Operation will seriously consider. so, new teams are encouraged to register. The TDs are Mr. Martin Poon and Mr. Eric KC Chan.

Administrative Assistant

HKCBA is hiring Administrative Assistant.  Please click here for more information

HKCBA is hiring Administrative Assistant.  Please click here for more information


Congratulations to 2018-2019 Invitational Team winner!

由Avia Financial冠名贊助的Invitational Team完滿結束了,由Alan Sze隊以194.77VP大熱勝出。

本年度共有十六支隊伍參加Invitational Team,比賽分成兩個階段。經抽籤後,十六支隊伍分別進入A組和B組,各隊需要對戰組中所有隊伍,每組排名最高的四隊可進入第二階段的A組,排名較低的四隊進入B組,然後對賽由另一個組別升上該組別的隊伍。

Alan Sze隊的隊員包括Alan Sze、Abby Chiu、Rocky Tam、Barney Lui、Leo Lam、Tony Yip及Jim Lee。該隊於第一階段進入了B組,獲得98.75VP,由於該隊是B組最高積分的隊伍,故額外獲得10分的獎勵分。該隊在第二階段進入A組,並獲得86.02VP。早於尾場開始前,Alan Sze隊已以超過第二名20VP提前奠勝。

據Abby Chiu表示,他跟Alan Sze近六年裏五次成為數據榜的榜首,這次更是他倆第4次奪得該項賽事的冠軍。

至於亞軍,則由Mickey Mouse隊奪得,季軍是HeyYo!!隊。

由Avia Financial冠名贊助的Invitational Team完滿結束了,由Alan Sze隊以194.77VP大熱勝出。

本年度共有十六支隊伍參加Invitational Team,比賽分成兩個階段。經抽籤後,十六支隊伍分別進入A組和B組,各隊需要對戰組中所有隊伍,每組排名最高的四隊可進入第二階段的A組,排名較低的四隊進入B組,然後對賽由另一個組別升上該組別的隊伍。

Alan Sze隊的隊員包括Alan Sze、Abby Chiu、Rocky Tam、Barney Lui、Leo Lam、Tony Yip及Jim Lee。該隊於第一階段進入了B組,獲得98.75VP,由於該隊是B組最高積分的隊伍,故額外獲得10分的獎勵分。該隊在第二階段進入A組,並獲得86.02VP。早於尾場開始前,Alan Sze隊已以超過第二名20VP提前奠勝。

據Abby Chiu表示,他跟Alan Sze近六年裏五次成為數據榜的榜首,這次更是他倆第4次奪得該項賽事的冠軍。

至於亞軍,則由Mickey Mouse隊奪得,季軍是HeyYo!!隊。


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