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SCBA BBO online pairs!

SCBA online pairs invite HK to play this Friday, bbo @ 830PM! You are welcome to invite a partner to join!

SCBA online pairs invite HK to play this Friday, bbo @ 830PM! You are welcome to invite a partner to join!

新冠肺炎 - 三月份比賽安排 (注意: 最後更新!!)
鑑於新冠肺炎有上升的趨勢, 經慎重考慮, 原訂於三月二十日 的IMP Pairs 將會順延, 比賽亦不會在四月三日前舉辦 (Ladies / Senior Trial 除外), 敬請留意

鑑於新冠肺炎有上升的趨勢, 經慎重考慮, 原訂於三月二十日 的IMP Pairs 將會順延, 比賽亦不會在四月三日前舉辦 (Ladies / Senior Trial 除外), 敬請留意

會所抗疫特別措施 更新 2020/3/17
1. 所有到場人士必須量度體溫,凡體溫超過37.5C者,恕不招待。
2. 所有到場人士必須 
A)   帶口罩 (會所限量提供 HKD 5/個)。
B)帶手套 (由會所提供)。
3. 凡過去14日曾離港人士恕不招待。
4. 抗疫期間,會所只提供茶、水、汽水服務。 因此會員可自行携帶食物,但必須在廚房或天 
5. 香港橋牌協會委員可要求違反以上措施人士離開會所範圍。
6. 本會所提供酒精搓手液,歡迎使用。
7. 本會提供眼罩(HKD 50/付),歡迎查詢。
1. 所有到場人士必須量度體溫,凡體溫超過37.5C者,恕不招待。
2. 所有到場人士必須 
A)   帶口罩 (會所限量提供 HKD 5/個)。
B)帶手套 (由會所提供)。
3. 凡過去14日曾離港人士恕不招待。
4. 抗疫期間,會所只提供茶、水、汽水服務。 因此會員可自行携帶食物,但必須在廚房或天 
5. 香港橋牌協會委員可要求違反以上措施人士離開會所範圍。
6. 本會所提供酒精搓手液,歡迎使用。
7. 本會提供眼罩(HKD 50/付),歡迎查詢。
IMPORTANT: 2020 Asia Pacific Bridge Congress Postponed
The ABF regrets to advise you that the Joseph Greenfeld Asia Pacific Bridge Congress 2020, April 15-22 has been postponed indefinitely.
The ABF has considered very carefully what actions need to be taken in relation to the Joseph Greenfeld Asia Pacific Bridge Congress in April.  The health and safety of all players and officials has always been our number one priority in making this decision to cancel the event.
The ABF has taken the  current advice of Australia's Chief Medical Officer, together with that of health experts around the world who are all in agreement that the best way to slow the transmission of the virus is for people to practice social distancing. Bridge is a game that involves intimate contact around a bridge table and the touching of cards that go to numerous people around the room. Droplets from people talking laughing, sneezing and coughing pose a threat to all players and officials in the room, especially if someone is unaware they are infected with the virus. Further to this the Australian Governments announcement that all people coming to Australia will have to self-isolate for 14 days means that international players will be unable to compete, thus reducing the field.
The ABF thanks the organising committee and volunteers who have put in many hours of work in preparation for the event. The ABF trusts you understand that we have made this difficult decision in the best interest of the bridge community.

You will receive a full refund for your entries. If you paid by credit card it will be refunded back to your card automatically which can take up to a week to process by the credit card provider.

If you paid by bank deposit then please write an email to secretariat@abf.com.au stating the entries you have made and your bank account details to assist the organiser with arranging return of your funds.

Please be patient as there is a lot of work to complete and please try to resolve issues via email in the first instance tsecretariat@abf.com.au


The ABF regrets to advise you that the Joseph Greenfeld Asia Pacific Bridge Congress 2020, April 15-22 has been postponed indefinitely.
The ABF has considered very carefully what actions need to be taken in relation to the Joseph Greenfeld Asia Pacific Bridge Congress in April.  The health and safety of all players and officials has always been our number one priority in making this decision to cancel the event.
The ABF has taken the  current advice of Australia's Chief Medical Officer, together with that of health experts around the world who are all in agreement that the best way to slow the transmission of the virus is for people to practice social distancing. Bridge is a game that involves intimate contact around a bridge table and the touching of cards that go to numerous people around the room. Droplets from people talking laughing, sneezing and coughing pose a threat to all players and officials in the room, especially if someone is unaware they are infected with the virus. Further to this the Australian Governments announcement that all people coming to Australia will have to self-isolate for 14 days means that international players will be unable to compete, thus reducing the field.
The ABF thanks the organising committee and volunteers who have put in many hours of work in preparation for the event. The ABF trusts you understand that we have made this difficult decision in the best interest of the bridge community.

You will receive a full refund for your entries. If you paid by credit card it will be refunded back to your card automatically which can take up to a week to process by the credit card provider.

If you paid by bank deposit then please write an email to secretariat@abf.com.au stating the entries you have made and your bank account details to assist the organiser with arranging return of your funds.

Please be patient as there is a lot of work to complete and please try to resolve issues via email in the first instance tsecretariat@abf.com.au


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