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2020 Open Mixed Pairs

The 2020 Open Mixed Pairs Championship will be staged jointly again by Hong Kong Contract Bridge Association (HKCBA www.hkcba.org) and Ladies' Recreation Club (LRC http://www.lrc.com.hk/bridge_lrc.aspx).  


Date and Time

27th April 2019 (Monday)

Starting time: 19:00 hours (estimated finishing time: 22:45 hours)

Players are advised to arrive before 18:45 to facilitate the smooth organization of the game.



Main Function Room at the Ladies' Recreation Club (10 Old Peak Road, Mid-levels, Hong Kong)



Pairs will participate in a one-session, one-winner competition. Match Point scoring will be adopted and the pair accumulating the highest Match Points will be the winner. 


Entries must be in pairs made up with one lady and one gentleman.


Tournament Fee

HKD 120 per person (non-member of either HKCBA or LRC)

HKD 80 per person (member of HKCBA or LRC)



The winning pair is entitled to the L A Ozorio Cup which they can keep for one year. 


Pre-registration and Deadline

Pre-registration is required to facilitate the arrangement. Please register with bridge@lrc.com.hk. Please send us the names starting with the lady's followed by the gentleman's, and indicate whether you are a member of HKCBA or LRC.


The registration will be closed once the full capacity of 26 tables is reached.

For enquiries you can contact Nancy Neumann (Tel: 94621870) or Pearlie Chan (Tel: 60963109) hkcbaadm@hkcba.org


Public Transportation

From Hong Kong Station Public Transport Interchange (MTR HK Station Exit E1) which is located under the Four Seasons Hotel - end of IFC Mall (the Green Minibus Terminus is somewhat hidden away behind the main bus terminus) 

1)         Minibus 2 (get off at Queen’s Garden and walk down under the bridge to Old Peak Road)

2)         Minibus 3 / 3A (get off either at Canossa Hospital and walk up from Old Peak Road;

3)         or get off at 3 Conduit Road/Hornsey Road and walk here)


From Sai Ying Pun MTR Station

1)         Mini Bus 45A (get off at 8 Conduit Road, cross the street to Hornsey Road and walk here)


The 2020 Open Mixed Pairs Championship will be staged jointly again by Hong Kong Contract Bridge Association (HKCBA www.hkcba.org) and Ladies' Recreation Club (LRC http://www.lrc.com.hk/bridge_lrc.aspx).  


Date and Time

27th April 2019 (Monday)

Starting time: 19:00 hours (estimated finishing time: 22:45 hours)

Players are advised to arrive before 18:45 to facilitate the smooth organization of the game.



Main Function Room at the Ladies' Recreation Club (10 Old Peak Road, Mid-levels, Hong Kong)



Pairs will participate in a one-session, one-winner competition. Match Point scoring will be adopted and the pair accumulating the highest Match Points will be the winner. 


Entries must be in pairs made up with one lady and one gentleman.


Tournament Fee

HKD 120 per person (non-member of either HKCBA or LRC)

HKD 80 per person (member of HKCBA or LRC)



The winning pair is entitled to the L A Ozorio Cup which they can keep for one year. 


Pre-registration and Deadline

Pre-registration is required to facilitate the arrangement. Please register with bridge@lrc.com.hk. Please send us the names starting with the lady's followed by the gentleman's, and indicate whether you are a member of HKCBA or LRC.


The registration will be closed once the full capacity of 26 tables is reached.

For enquiries you can contact Nancy Neumann (Tel: 94621870) or Pearlie Chan (Tel: 60963109) hkcbaadm@hkcba.org


Public Transportation

From Hong Kong Station Public Transport Interchange (MTR HK Station Exit E1) which is located under the Four Seasons Hotel - end of IFC Mall (the Green Minibus Terminus is somewhat hidden away behind the main bus terminus) 

1)         Minibus 2 (get off at Queen’s Garden and walk down under the bridge to Old Peak Road)

2)         Minibus 3 / 3A (get off either at Canossa Hospital and walk up from Old Peak Road;

3)         or get off at 3 Conduit Road/Hornsey Road and walk here)


From Sai Ying Pun MTR Station

1)         Mini Bus 45A (get off at 8 Conduit Road, cross the street to Hornsey Road and walk here)



2020 WBG Mixed Trial - Commentator required
The final stage of WBG 2020 Trial (Mixed) on 7 and 8 March will be broadcast through BBO Vugraph and Youtube.
BBO Vugraph Schedulae:
Youtube channel:
Please note that no kibitzers will be allowed in HKCBA clubhouse during the match.

If you want to become a commentator for the event on Vugraph, please contact Kelvin Chan through WhatsApp (54995605).


The final stage of WBG 2020 Trial (Mixed) on 7 and 8 March will be broadcast through BBO Vugraph and Youtube.
BBO Vugraph Schedulae:
Youtube channel:
Please note that no kibitzers will be allowed in HKCBA clubhouse during the match.

If you want to become a commentator for the event on Vugraph, please contact Kelvin Chan through WhatsApp (54995605).



新冠肺炎 - 三月份比賽安排 (直至三月十五日)

鑑於新冠肺炎疫情嚴重, 本會三月份比賽將會作出以下安排
1) 三月份比賽(暫定至三月十五日為止) 除Trial 外, 會全部延期, 三月下旬比賽安排再作公佈
2) Trial 會如常舉行, 所有進出會所人仕必須佩戴口罩, 會所會有口罩可供出售

鑑於新冠肺炎疫情嚴重, 本會三月份比賽將會作出以下安排
1) 三月份比賽(暫定至三月十五日為止) 除Trial 外, 會全部延期, 三月下旬比賽安排再作公佈
2) Trial 會如常舉行, 所有進出會所人仕必須佩戴口罩, 會所會有口罩可供出售


我和Bobby 的友誼可以説是從1961 年夏天開始,我被男拔萃校長委任為學生長,主要任務包括看顧寄宿生,因而結識那時在小學宿舍的Bobby。1963年我離開心愛的男拔萃,我只可以形容我跟Bobby 在那時段的交往為偶遇, 因為我大部份的時間和精力都尊注在培訓田徑隊,而忽略了Bobby 這個比我年輕五歲的沈默小羔羊。
十七年後,我首次參加郵票拍賣,坐在前排,發覺幾乎每一項我有意思的郵品,後排都有人和我競投。會後,我嘗試結識這強勁的對手,驚喜地發現,沈默小羔羊搖身變成了彪形大漢;更令我感興趣的,是Bobby 也是橋牌發燒友。當時藉着成功舉辦了城市錦標賽的勢頭,,香港橋牌已邁進了快速發展期,在我多度力邀下,Bobby在1985年加入了香港橋牌會執委會,從此展開了Patrick 及Bobby拍擋的黃金時代。在八零年代,香港橋牌會成功地把香港城市棉標賽,變成家傳戶曉的國際橋牌盛事、舉辦了立法局議員和名人(何鴻燊、鄒文懷、葉麗儀 ...)橋牌賽、引進有影響力的贊助人(徐展堂、匯豐沈弼 ...),Bobby 居功至偉。
1990 年因工作關係,我移居新加坡,辭去香港橋牌會會長職務,與Bobby 的合作暫告一段落。九零年代,公務纏身,罕有機會與Bobby共叙。可幸我於2003年退休後,每次回港多了機會與Bobby見面飯敘,往往樂而忘返。
過去十多年,Bobby 及夫人Sherry過着神仙般的生活,時而遊輪旅遊、時而美酒佳肴,閑時呼朋喚友來一場橋牌或麻將較量。令我十分羡慕的是他很幸運,有着一位賢惠的妻子,對他及他的家人照顧得無微不至,讓他無後顧之憂。
大約是去年七月份,驚聞他身患頑疾,但他積極並樂觀面對,Sherry 與他遍訪名醫,接受一切可行的治療,同時也不忘繼續享受人生,這種熱愛生命的態度,感動着他身旁的一班好友。
對於Bobby 的離世,我是為痛失良友而感到神傷,安慰的是他已解脱了在世疾病的痛苦,願他安息!


我和Bobby 的友誼可以説是從1961 年夏天開始,我被男拔萃校長委任為學生長,主要任務包括看顧寄宿生,因而結識那時在小學宿舍的Bobby。1963年我離開心愛的男拔萃,我只可以形容我跟Bobby 在那時段的交往為偶遇, 因為我大部份的時間和精力都尊注在培訓田徑隊,而忽略了Bobby 這個比我年輕五歲的沈默小羔羊。
十七年後,我首次參加郵票拍賣,坐在前排,發覺幾乎每一項我有意思的郵品,後排都有人和我競投。會後,我嘗試結識這強勁的對手,驚喜地發現,沈默小羔羊搖身變成了彪形大漢;更令我感興趣的,是Bobby 也是橋牌發燒友。當時藉着成功舉辦了城市錦標賽的勢頭,,香港橋牌已邁進了快速發展期,在我多度力邀下,Bobby在1985年加入了香港橋牌會執委會,從此展開了Patrick 及Bobby拍擋的黃金時代。在八零年代,香港橋牌會成功地把香港城市棉標賽,變成家傳戶曉的國際橋牌盛事、舉辦了立法局議員和名人(何鴻燊、鄒文懷、葉麗儀 ...)橋牌賽、引進有影響力的贊助人(徐展堂、匯豐沈弼 ...),Bobby 居功至偉。
1990 年因工作關係,我移居新加坡,辭去香港橋牌會會長職務,與Bobby 的合作暫告一段落。九零年代,公務纏身,罕有機會與Bobby共叙。可幸我於2003年退休後,每次回港多了機會與Bobby見面飯敘,往往樂而忘返。
過去十多年,Bobby 及夫人Sherry過着神仙般的生活,時而遊輪旅遊、時而美酒佳肴,閑時呼朋喚友來一場橋牌或麻將較量。令我十分羡慕的是他很幸運,有着一位賢惠的妻子,對他及他的家人照顧得無微不至,讓他無後顧之憂。
大約是去年七月份,驚聞他身患頑疾,但他積極並樂觀面對,Sherry 與他遍訪名醫,接受一切可行的治療,同時也不忘繼續享受人生,這種熱愛生命的態度,感動着他身旁的一班好友。
對於Bobby 的離世,我是為痛失良友而感到神傷,安慰的是他已解脱了在世疾病的痛苦,願他安息!


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