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2023 APBF Championships to be held in Hong Kong!

Please note that the 2023 APBF Championships will be held in Hong Kong, tentatively in Jun 2023.  It consists of Open / Ladies / Mixed / Senior series.


Please observe the trial dates for the Championships

Open - Feb 2023

Mixed - Mar 2023 (after Open series representatives are selected)

Ladies / Senior - late Mar to Apr 2023 (after Mixed series representatives are selected)

Please note that the 2023 APBF Championships will be held in Hong Kong, tentatively in Jun 2023.  It consists of Open / Ladies / Mixed / Senior series.


Please observe the trial dates for the Championships

Open - Feb 2023

Mixed - Mar 2023 (after Open series representatives are selected)

Ladies / Senior - late Mar to Apr 2023 (after Mixed series representatives are selected)

Hong Kong clinch historic victory in Asia Bridge Championships
The Asia Cup is a bit of a misnomer, because the event encompasses all the countries in Asia Pacific and the Middle East (including China, China Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, China Macau, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Jordan, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka).
This year, the tournament was held in Jakarta from October 20 - 25 and ten countries sent their representatives to the competition. 
The tournament is held once every four years. China Hong Kong has been knocking on the doors in the past, including a third position in 2010 (Ningpo) and a runner-up position in 2018 (Goa, India).
This year, the Men's Team led the Round Robin at the word 'go' and secured the number one position at the end of four days. In the knockout phase, we were pitched against 4th-place India and won rather narrowly. Then we trounced New Zealand in the final.
From left: Tony Lau, Baron Ng, Zia Wai, Samuel Wan (Captain), Mak Kwok Fai, Bubble
Ho, Gordon Ho
The Asia Cup is a bit of a misnomer, because the event encompasses all the countries in Asia Pacific and the Middle East (including China, China Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, China Macau, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Jordan, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka).
This year, the tournament was held in Jakarta from October 20 - 25 and ten countries sent their representatives to the competition. 
The tournament is held once every four years. China Hong Kong has been knocking on the doors in the past, including a third position in 2010 (Ningpo) and a runner-up position in 2018 (Goa, India).
This year, the Men's Team led the Round Robin at the word 'go' and secured the number one position at the end of four days. In the knockout phase, we were pitched against 4th-place India and won rather narrowly. Then we trounced New Zealand in the final.
From left: Tony Lau, Baron Ng, Zia Wai, Samuel Wan (Captain), Mak Kwok Fai, Bubble
Ho, Gordon Ho
Congratulations to Open Team of 4 winner!
Open Team of Four(Samuel Wan Cup)(下文簡稱OT4)是一項公開賽,每年吸引不少橋手參加。本年度的OT4於七月下旬至八月上旬舉行,由Jacky Ip隊勝出。
OT4 四強的隊伍分別是Jacky Ip隊(成員包括Jacky Ip、Sunny Mo、Alan Sze、Kongo Kong、Abby Chiu及Vinci Wan)、Really Really Positive隊(成員包括Wilson Leung、Lydia Fung、Terence Chan、William Cheung、H L Hau和Sing Leung)、Holay隊(成員包括Bubble Ho、Gordon Ho、Tony Lau、Yiu Wai Sing和Mickey Law)及Charmian Koo隊(成員包括Charmian Koo、Crystal Tang、Flora Wong、Helen Yeung、Joyce Tung及Pearlie Chan)。半決賽由初賽的第一名Jacky Ip隊對Charmian Koo 隊及初賽的第二名Really Really Positive 隊對Holay隊。
半決賽共三輪,每輪16副牌,Jacky Ip隊以83:63出線,另一邊廂則由Holay隊以89:65奪得進入決賽的資格。
決賽共六輪,每輪16副牌,比賽分兩天進行,Jacky Ip隊最終以230:144勇奪冠軍。
Open Team of Four(Samuel Wan Cup)(下文簡稱OT4)是一項公開賽,每年吸引不少橋手參加。本年度的OT4於七月下旬至八月上旬舉行,由Jacky Ip隊勝出。
OT4 四強的隊伍分別是Jacky Ip隊(成員包括Jacky Ip、Sunny Mo、Alan Sze、Kongo Kong、Abby Chiu及Vinci Wan)、Really Really Positive隊(成員包括Wilson Leung、Lydia Fung、Terence Chan、William Cheung、H L Hau和Sing Leung)、Holay隊(成員包括Bubble Ho、Gordon Ho、Tony Lau、Yiu Wai Sing和Mickey Law)及Charmian Koo隊(成員包括Charmian Koo、Crystal Tang、Flora Wong、Helen Yeung、Joyce Tung及Pearlie Chan)。半決賽由初賽的第一名Jacky Ip隊對Charmian Koo 隊及初賽的第二名Really Really Positive 隊對Holay隊。
半決賽共三輪,每輪16副牌,Jacky Ip隊以83:63出線,另一邊廂則由Holay隊以89:65奪得進入決賽的資格。
決賽共六輪,每輪16副牌,比賽分兩天進行,Jacky Ip隊最終以230:144勇奪冠軍。
Congratulations to Board-A-Match team winner!

BAM Team 2022(Board-a-match team) 於8月5日及8月12日舉行,由Jacky Ip隊奪冠,成員包括Jacky Ip、Sunny Mo、Abby Chiu和Alan Sze。

Board-A-Match Team 即是一副一比隊制賽,每一副牌都會計算總分,總分較高的一隊得2分,和局各得1分,總分較低的則得0分。假設在同一副牌裏,A隊的南北打3NT+1得630分,而B隊的南北打4S=得620分,則A隊於此牌能得2分,B隊得0分。由於賽制特別,是項比賽鬥智鬥力,每一副牌都可以是成敗的關鍵。
經過兩晚的比賽,Jacky Ip 隊以61分奪冠,亞軍是KF Mak 隊,隊員有K F Mak、Zia Wai、Baron Ng、Tony Lau、Crystal Tang及Joyce Tung,得59分。

BAM Team 2022(Board-a-match team) 於8月5日及8月12日舉行,由Jacky Ip隊奪冠,成員包括Jacky Ip、Sunny Mo、Abby Chiu和Alan Sze。

Board-A-Match Team 即是一副一比隊制賽,每一副牌都會計算總分,總分較高的一隊得2分,和局各得1分,總分較低的則得0分。假設在同一副牌裏,A隊的南北打3NT+1得630分,而B隊的南北打4S=得620分,則A隊於此牌能得2分,B隊得0分。由於賽制特別,是項比賽鬥智鬥力,每一副牌都可以是成敗的關鍵。
經過兩晚的比賽,Jacky Ip 隊以61分奪冠,亞軍是KF Mak 隊,隊員有K F Mak、Zia Wai、Baron Ng、Tony Lau、Crystal Tang及Joyce Tung,得59分。
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