(effective from 1 Apr 2025)
Player must be a HKCBA member for the previous two bridge years. For illustration, a player must be a HKCBA member in 2023 & 2024 to be eligible to participate in the trial in 2025.
NOTICE is hereby given that tha Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong, China Contract Bridge Association Limited will be held on February 28, 2025 at 7:00pm at 20/F, Kelly Commercial Centre, 570-572 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon.
Members who are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting can fill in the proxy form attached and email to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org by Feb 21, 2025.
Please find attached documents: 1) AGM agenda, 2) Proxy form, 3) Minutes of AGM last year, 4) Memorandum & Articles 5) Chairman's Report
Nomination for the posts of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer must be filed on the attached nomination form and emil to hkcbaadm@hkcba.org by February 14, 2025. Nominations for Council Members are taken up at the AGM. A list of current Council Members is attached for your ease of reference.
For inquiry, please feel free to contact us at hkcbaadm@hkcba.org
You may also join zoom meeting at 7:00 pm
Meeting ID : 915 0259 0361
Password : 471667
A) If you would like to learn bridge from the beginning, there are some organizations currently offering courses for the public. Here are their contacts:
B) If you know how to play bridge and want to experience the game, there are some organizations available:
In order to have a better communication with the public, HKCBA is going to open a whatsapp group to disseminate the tourney news. If you are interested in joining us, please scan the QR code below!
In order to have a better communication with the public, HKCBA is going to open a whatsapp group to disseminate the tourney news. If you are interested in joining us, please scan the QR code below!
Some warm reminders before you join:
1) Once you joined, your mobile phone number will be disclosed to the members in the group. It may lead to some annoyings from junk calls of strangers.
2) The group is solely ONE-WAY channel, no members should post any messages to the group. In case you have any enquiry, contact us via emails.
3) Do not grasp the mobile phone numbers there and send private message to other members without consent. If we receive complains, we reserve the rights to take further actions.