There are 12 pairs participating in this event. The players have excellent performance winning in both sessions with total 330 points.
Congratulations to William Cheung and Terence Chan.
Participation of Major Events organised by China Contract Bridge Association (CCBA):
If members are interested in participation of major event organised by CCBA and the statement
"港澳台運動員參賽按國家體育總局相關要求執行" appear in the relevant homepage of the event,
players are required to inform HKCBA at least one month before the start of the game.
HKCBA will then issue the letter required to facilitate member's participation.
106 boards in 4 sessions
Congratulations to Kongo Kong & K Y Tam
This is a championship event with four sessions. In the first half on the qualifying day, the pair scored 57.2% ranking in the third position. At the end of the qualifying session, they get into the second place and top 12 pairs get into the final.
They keep the leading position at the start of the final session while scoring 60.3%, 10 match point ahead of the second place. They perform failry in the second half but fortunately keeping the leading position till the end.