Co-sponsored by
  San Miguel Regal Kowloon Hotel HP Geely Automobile Chocoline China Financial Leasing Group Channel 8 AIA

 • China Resources Inter-City Bridge Championships 2009

The China Resources Inter-city Bridge Championships 2009, will be held at the Regal Kowloon Hotel from 19 to 23 August 2009..

The Opening Ceremony will be on Wednesday 19 August 2009 at 11:45.

The AIA Open and President��s Cup Youth Teams round robins will start on Wednesday 19th after the Opening Ceremony and finish on Friday 21st, with the Play-offs starting on Saturady 22nd.

In addition to these main events, there are also 5 other championship events, including the Channel 8 IMP Pairs, San Miguel "Happy Hour" Continuous Pairs, Inter-city Swiss Team, Geely Automobile Open Pairs, and Geely Automobile Swiss Pairs.

The Closing Ceremony, with the prize presentation and a victory banquet, will take place on Sunday 23 August.

 • Championship Events & Tournament Schedule �A���ɤ��ɵ{��


18 August

18:00 - 21:00
 Teams Registration

19 August

09:00 - 10:30
 Teams Registration
10:30 - 11:15
 Captains Meeting
11:45 - 13:30
 Opening Ceremony & Welcome Luncheon
15:00 - 21:40
 Teams Qualifying

20 August

10:00 - 17:20
 Teams Qualifying
19:15 - 23:30
 Channel 8 IMP Pairs
21 August
10:00 - 17:20
 Teams Qualifying
19:15 - 23:30
 San Miguel "Happy Hour" Continuous Pairs Championship
22 August
10:00 - 23:15
 Teams Play-offs
11:00 - 18:30
 Inter-city Swiss Team Championship
19:30 - 23:30
 Geely Automobile Open Pairs Qualifying
23 August
10:00 - 18:30
 AIA Open Teams Final
10:00 - 18:30
 Geely Automobile Open Pairs Final
12:00 - 18:30
 Geely Automobile Swiss Pairs Championship
19:30 - 23:00
 Victory Dinner & Prize Presentation

 • Condition of Contests ���ɳW��

The Tournament Format can be downloaded from here.
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The Condition of Contests can be downloaded from here.
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 • Entry Fee �ѥ[�O��

Teams Event
Open Teams
(HK$1,000 discount with 10+nights of hotel reservation)
HK$6,500 per team
Ladies Teams
(HK$1,000 discount with 10+nights of hotel reservation)
HK$6,500 per team
Youth Teams
Free for visitors
Open Pairs Qualifying
HK$200 per pair
Open Pairs Final
HK$200 per pair
Swiss Pairs
HK$200 per pair
IMP Pairs
HK$200 per pair

(HK$120 if both youths)
San Miguel "Happy Hour" Continuous Pairs
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(with free San Miguel beer)
HK$200 per pair
Swiss Team
HK$1000 per team

(HK$600 if all youths)
  • Deadline for Registration: July 31, 2009
  • �I����W���: 2009-7-31.
  • For payment of registration fee, we only accept cash in HK dollar. No foreign currency or cheques please.
  • ���W�O�Υu�����H����{����I. �~���Τ䲼��������.

 • Registration ���W

Mail �l�H G. P. O. Box 1445, Hong Kong ����l�F�`���l�c1445��
E-mail �q�l�l�c
Telephone �q�� (852) 9040 8641
Fax �ǯu (852) 2314 8101
The Team Registration Form can be downloaded from here.
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If you would like to find a partner for any pair events,
kindly please contact Charmian Koo, for further arrangement.

 • Enquiries �d��

Mail �l�H G. P. O. Box 1445, Hong Kong ����l�F�`���l�c1445��
E-mail �q�l�l�c
Telephone �q�� (852) 6495 1149
Fax �ǯu (852) 2314 8101

 • Inter-city Sub-Committee �����w�Ʃe���|

Chairman �D�u
  Anthony Ching

Secretary ����
  Flora Lam

International Relations
  Doris Lo

Members �|��
  Ronald Hui
  Stephen Lee
  Christopher Leung
  CC Wong
  Derek Zen

Directors ���P
  Anthony Ching
  Luo Liefu
  Ronald Hui
  Ben Lam

��ij�ϥ� Internet Explorer 6.0 �H�W�s����
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Last Update: Jul, 2009
�̫��s���: 7/2009